Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Gagosian gallery sees right through us

Name a city you could visit in the world that doesn’t have a Gagosian gallery in it. OK, there are a few but the empire is certainly bigger than your average octopus when it comes to tentacles. No surprises then to find one in Hong Kong on the floor above Bumps to Babes, the level we accidently spilled out into on our first attempt with the elevator. The gallery opened four months ago with the Gagosian staple Damien Hirst, but all we saw was a stuff-left-over-in-the-stockroom group show. The day was saved by the two elegant young women behind the reception desk who resolutely refused to acknowledge our existence, so at least we did get to have an authentic high-end contemporary art experience.
Images: left, downstairs and right, upstairs